Advanced Tissue Pathology and Imaging Core

Visualizing and quantifying tissue and cellular pathologies are central to understanding the pathogenesis, progression, and complications of metabolic disease, and to monitor the effectiveness of its treatment. Methods of labeling, imaging and quantifying cellular elements continue to evolve and are providing new capabilities to evaluate phenotypes at the sub-cellular, cellular and whole-organ levels. The Advanced Tissue Pathology and Imaging Core provides access to histological and imaging services needed to analyze cells, tissues, organs and ES- or iPS-derived organoids that regulate glucose homeostasis and energy balance, including the brain, liver, pancreas, gut, vasculature, muscle, fat, hematopoietic system, heart and bone. Our services complement those provided by other Diabetes Research Center cores, so that investigators who take advantage of our resources can fully characterize the histologic, immunologic, and metabolic function and phenotypes of mice.

Reservations and Prices

Please email Dr. Lori Zeltser for scheduling and pricing.


Pathology services

  • Tissue processing:  Formalin fixation, embedding and sectioning for paraffin samples
  • Sectioning: Frozen, paraffin and vibratome sectioning
  • Routine histological stains: H&E, PAS, Oil Red O on sections from metabolically relevant organs and organoids, including pancreas, liver, brain, fat, gut and bone
  • Custom Stains: Fluorescent immunohistochemistry and histochemical staining with up to four colors

Access to Specialized Equipment

  • Instrument training and technical assistance for the use of DRC equipment
    • Cryostats: Microm HM505E and Cryostar NX70 HOMVP
    • Vibratome: Leica VT1200 S
    • Standard epifluorescence: Nikon Eclipse 80i
    • Fluorescent stereomicroscope: Leica MZ16 F
    • Confocal microscopy: Zeiss LSM710
    • Advanced image processing and analytical tools: Zen and Stereology software

Consultation services

  • Experimental design that considers tissue fixation, embedding, primary and secondary antibodies for immunohistochemistry, microscopy and imaging needs
  • Training users to perform their own assays using optimized protocols that include appropriate controls (RNAscope, IHC, iDISCO and Adipoclear)
  • Access to over 100 validated diabetes relevant antibodies and histological reagents.



Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center
1150 Saint Nicholas Avenue
Russ Berrie 6-620
New York, NY 10032
United States
