Mouse Metabolic Function and Phenotyping Core
The investigators of the Diabetes Research Center employ many murine models to study diabetes and its complications. The Mouse Metabolic Phenotype and Function Core (MMPFC) currently provides services that facilitate the efficient characterization of mouse models of diabetes and its complications. Core personnel also provide guidance to investigators regarding selection of techniques and experimental design. The core services complement those provided by other Diabetes Research Center cores, so that investigators who take advantage of our resources can fully characterize the histologic, immunologic, and metabolic function and phenotypes of mice.
Reservations, Prices and Questions
Please email Ms. Eleanor Ables for access to scheduling calendar, current pricing and standard operating prodecures.
- Body Composition Analysis - Body composition modulates whole body glucose, lipid and protein metabolism. The MMPFC maintains equipment to measure total and relative fat, lean and bone mass and trains investigators in use of the equipment.
- Whole Body Metabolic Assessment - Defining the whole body metabolic function is often central in understanding mechanisms that underlie mouse models of obesity and diabetes. Energy balance, fuel utilization and feeding behavior are important determinants of body weight, fat mass and metabolic function. The MMPFC provides services to measure measure these phenotypes and carry out these services in a facility dedicated specifically to the metabolic characterization of mice. Later in 2022, the Core expects delivery of a new system that will both improve the precision of measurements, permit the use of “home” cages and allow telemetric measurements of mouse.
- Metabolic Clamps - The defining feature of type 2 diabetes is reduced insulin action leading to hyperglycemia and altered lipid metabolism. Metabolic clamp studies permit measurement of insulin action, including the ability of key metabolic tissues to produce and clear glucose and lipids, and permit response of the pancreas to hyperglycemic stresses. The MMPFC performs metabolic clamps to measure insulin action, b cell insulin release and lipid fluxes.
- Metabolic Procedures and Surgeries - Surgeries that modulate metabolic function have become increasing important in the study of diabetes. The MMPFC provides a wide variety of operations that permit investigators to study the biology of biatric surgery, alter peripheral neuronal signaling, regulate food intake with gastric feeding tubes or perform stereotactic injections of virus into the brain and adipose tissue.